08-08-2001, 06:45 AM
well first i noticed hes finally getting hurt (notice screen flashes red when shot) and he has at least 4 weapons on him (nades, M1, Tommy, and Springfeild) hmmm. next some of the germans die kinda wierd (when he shoots the other gunners in the 2nd bunker when hes in the first one) the 2nd one he shoots falls kinda fast as if some1 pushed him backward really fast. next, one of yer men is standing right before the gunner leading to the rooms leading to the bunkers. hes holdfing his arm as if shot. he then slumps down and ceases to move. is he dead? then u can barely make out yer caps orders. next, when inside the rooms leading to the bunkers, as he goes up the 2nd flight of stairs, the game (VERY quickly) stops and starts as if they stoped the video and restarted and edited it to make it seem like 1 smooth motion. right after that he kills the first german but the door that the German is behind swing open on its own! hmmmm. then makes a right into a room where theres 2 guy. they flip over the table for cover. but if u watch really slowly as Powell enters, they are just waiting for him (im starting to think the game is scripted). also when the guy who flips the table does it, if u watch slowly he really doesnt touch the table at all! hes just backing up and the table falls. he start shooting the one guy and the other one has all the time in the world to get a head shot at powell and kil him but doesnt and powell lives. errrrr. ladder climbing is very well done as is the dust that falls from shells exploding. after he kills a couple guys after the laddr he turns to go into a room with a Officer and a private. the officer is facing the wall for some reason (this is watching slowly) and turns exactly as Powells whole body is in the room. the other guy somehow knows and turns perfectly in sync (i hate that band hehe) with the officer with his gun raised as soon as he starts turning. (did some1 say scripted???) u then shoot the officer 6 times before his body react and falls back. the other guy runs at u and misses u runnign past u then turns right next to u points his gun so close to yer head thats u see clipping problems shoots but u dont die(DAMMIT THIS GAME!). u then shoot him all over and he flies a different way wherever u shoot him (this is starting to piss me off). u then turn and kill a couple guys and get to the bunker. the first guy u see in the bunker (not the one thats running out) seems to be facing u (hard to tell exactly). if he is, boooo! u take care of him then theres the controversial throw-a-nade-into-a-very-small-space-with-4-ppl-and-no1-gets-even-a-tad-injured thing. yes thats stupid, no1s even slightly affected (or so it seems) by the blast. we know what happens next, 3 versus one and the one lives. grrrr. so he then takes his sweet time looking around at his dying commrades before picking off the other gunners. and there bunker only had the 2 gunners. the 1 Powell ran in had 4 guys (one ran out, and the other 3)!
*deep breath* ok thats my review, arent u glad i didnt do 1 for every movie! please reply.