Ok i am reformating my comp. It has Windows me. plz tell me what i need outa the stuff i have.
Its a dell so i got
The windows ME installer CD
The computer Driver Cd
The application Cd (to install prog that came with comp)
and my Boot disk on an a disk
and this other cd that saids Dell Resource CD with Milennium Support
Keyboard only
Duno what that is
Ok what i do is go to MS dos prompt type
CD/. or CD.. then type Format C:/S then press Y then name the new drive C:
Turn off comp and put in my boot disk into the A drive. Wait till it starts loading and put in my windows installer cd. Install windows
after that i got my comp back. Everything else is just instaling the drivers and my games.
Plz tell me im goan reformat my comp this weekend and this is the way im gona do it.
Also im on a "network" kind of. I share cable with my s dad comp down the hall and were "Networked" the reason i do "" is cause i cant send any files to him or anything. Only thing we can do is share the cable connection. My question is will i have to totaly to the network over for my comp like name and everything or can i just plug it back in. AND i put in my Ethernet card after i got my comp mabey like 6 months after i got my comp. Will the comp reconize my ethernet card