Flight 93, Whats The Real Story Behind It?? -
09-13-2002, 08:26 PM
I read an artical in a newspaper, it was a grown ups paper, you know, the ones that use big words and there isnt a single nakid woman in it (why the hell was i reading a proper newspaper?!) anyway, it has a full page related to flight 93, that several eye witnesses had seen a white fighter with no markings head at sonic boom speed to where flight 93 was, then shortly after the plane flew over, flight 93 was down. Initially the FBI hushed all witness' and said there was no plane at all in the area. then they changed their story and said it was a recon plane sent to take pictures of the wreckage. There aslo claimed to be tapes with people onboard talking about wind noise (caused by a hole in the fuselage) and also about some white smoke - but in a link i posted the other day, you hear the passangers talk about black smoke.
im sorry i dont have anything to back this up as the paper is at my girlfriends house, but seriously, what do you all think about what really happened. I really think the government is hidding something about it. Please keep this decent and dont flame me for my views or say im media brainwashed - ive been thinking it was shot down long before the 1 year anniversary.