08-08-2001, 10:09 AM
LET'S just get this cleared up right now.
1)Mike Powell does get shot a lot of times. By an MG-42, and bunch of mausers Kar rifles or however the hell you spell them.
All i have been hearing about this movie is that it's going to be a rambo game. You people who have been saying that are fucking retarded homos who have never played a First Person Shooter. You'd have to be a complete and total moron to think that you can acually take that many hits in the game. I mean you could have at least thought to your self, "geee the guy playing it must have some kind of invulnerability mode on or something".
2)The game is not complete for another 3 1/2 Months and yall are complainindg about the AI. Obiously the AI is not done but so far this is almost better AI then Half-Life's AI except for the fact that the Germans didn't use "Potatoe Smashers".
This is already better if not equal to the AI of other Firt person Shooters (not counting Red Faction becuase i haven't played that yet so i don't know what the AI is like but i heard it's real good). The reason why the germans most likely didn't use Potatoe Smashers is probably becuase they weren't equiped with them.
3)Yes the Germans did fall too quickly after being shot with the Springfield. And they did fall as if being push back really fast.
Does anybody really give a shit. This doesn't have to be Max Payne where the bullet acually has to travel a full fraction of a secound to get to it's target. This can be fixed very easily by making it so that it takes a certian amount of time to reach it's target. And the thing with the wierd death animation can be fixed very easily too.
4) Everytime you run into the German Soldiers it does seam as though they are waiting for you and that it is probably becuase it's scripted.
No those parts where not scripted. If you heard some gun shots in the room next to you you would be aiming at the door way and waiting for the person to walk in. It's not scripted to the point that German soldiers are purposely facing the direction you will be at when you enter the room they are in.
ok, i can say more but i'm tired of typing. So post your comments and whether or not you agree.