Enemy at Gates needs 5 mappers. I want to get our mod finished. Others want to play it as well, but without mappers what are we? 0 nodda notthing. All we need you to do, is make our maps, thats all. There are plenty of you that map for fun, but dont want to map for a mod, and I dont get it. You either want to work on a different mod, or you dont have time (Which I dont get because if you map for fun and come out with 3-5 maps then you have plenty of time). We give you enough time to make a decent map. I take my time at modeling, so I get a decent model in the outcome. You will not be asked to script in maps or anything else. Just do the basics of the map, and make it look good.
We wish to get a decent MP beta done and finished by next spring/summer. That means we need to get maps finished for MP. MP (Multiplayer) maps are our main goals. Then SP (Singleplayer) maps. We have practicly no one on our team. We cut people because they were inactive for 4 weeks or more without even sending a word that they will be gone. But we didnt lose anything we needed, they were all Researchers. The rest of the team never bothered to sign back up for the new site and roster, so they are not on the roster, which I will be getting on their asses this weekend about that.
Now please if you WANT to map for us, we would be glad to have you. Just sign up at
http://www.planetmedalofhonor.com/enemyatgates click the team button, then join team. Read the requirements, then click next. Fill out the application and submit it. Then click submit. Go to our forums, and post examples of you work.
Please do not sign up for researchers. We will not accept you at this time. We are looking for mappers only at this point.
Hope to get the requested 5 mappers. If we do, then you all can pretty much expect a MP demo around spring/summer 2003, if all goes according to plan.