I hate to sound like im putting you down... but don't be so full of yourself... seriously... what exactly have you guys accomplised over the past few weeks? A skybox with a few C 47's in it? A controlable 88 which has been around for who knows how long...? Don't just say your mod will kick all the other mods asses... prove it too...
My mod will kick everyones asses. Its called the invisible mod. No need to download, as it doesn't physically exist. Its all in your head my friends. Listen to your mind. You will find the answers deep inside...
sounds like a bunch of stuff scorpio/crowking have done and spearhead will do [quote:36b76]One of the biggest problems with the current Medal of Honor is its poor online play.[/quote:36b76] not this again.
Day Of Days WILL be THE best mod out there, without a shadow of a doubt. We have alot of insider information coming from EA, from a source that I don't want to mention here. We also have alot of support from them too, through a member of staff I know personally.
We have so much to post at the moment, it's crazy! We want to get everything 100% before we post it though. I'm testing out our paratroopers now as we speak. The fall to the ground is absoloutely awesome, and the way you land is excellent aswell.
We have superb scripters and excellent mappers.
Day Of Days will certainly be the mod to look out for at the start of next year, or if we push things, the end of this year.
We have alot of insider information coming from EA, from a source that I don't want to mention here. We also have alot of support from them too, through a member of staff I know personally.
Day Of Days WILL be THE best mod out there, without a shadow of a doubt. We have alot of insider information coming from EA, from a source that I don't want to mention here. We also have alot of support from them too, through a member of staff I know personally.
We have so much to post at the moment, it's crazy! We want to get everything 100% before we post it though. I'm testing out our paratroopers now as we speak. The fall to the ground is absoloutely awesome, and the way you land is excellent aswell.
We have superb scripters and excellent mappers.
Day Of Days will certainly be the mod to look out for at the start of next year, or if we push things, the end of this year.
Thanks all!
Post some pics of what you have actually done, mapping, scripting, skinning, and all that other stuff? And quit flattering yourself... I don't go around and say the BoB mods gonna kick all mods asses and neither do any of the other mods except for yours... so STFU already and prove your the best...
I hate to sound like im putting you down... which i am... but don't be so full of yourself... seriously... what exactly have you guys accomplised over the past few weeks? A skybox with a few C 47's in it? A controlable 88 which has been around for who knows how long...? Don't just say your mod will kick all the other mods asses... prove it too...
I know the bob's mod will be the best one around. Why you ask because they dont brag about how good it is and all that. i will defintaely play the bob mod when its finished. And pozzi your so full of yourself
uhhhh.....yea sure pozzie or what ever the hell ur name is......iam gunna get journey for one man or the pacific mod.....fuck day of days.....just a common copy of spearhead and the mohaa we have now...only a little tweak here and there.....will it give me better ping? fps? i think not....