For Crown KIng !!! -
10-11-2002, 09:41 PM
Tonight (friday) I was kicked for camping on Destroyed Village map by "console" .I don't understand why I was kicked. For one thing, I play on Crown to have fun and not to be told how. In my understanding of the game it is normal and ok to stay in a good spot (camp) and kill ennemies while protecting myself at the same time on such map. I agree that camping can't be accepted on maps witch you have an objective. On those surcomstanses, can you explain to me why .
I really like your server but get really pissed off to see peoples with power can't handle it properly. I offen see people talk dirty, people who fight for nothing and no one's kick them.
Like i just said, i'm a girl who like your server when i can play the game the way it should be played.
Am i wrong or are you gonna do something about it ?
Caporal Petounne