==Very Important about Omaha 2== -
12-05-2002, 12:46 PM
I have been getting several emails about the link on this site for omaha2.
The link on this site is wrong, i have asked the guy who does the files to fix it, but he doesn't do it/doesn't care....
If you want the correct omaha 2 head over to modtheater.com.
Here's the links to the maps
Omaha 2 Dog green (no tank version)
Omaha 2 Tank assault (with tank, but is a bit buggy)
There are two versions and yes one has a tank that you can drive on the beach, but it has a few bugs. Just follow the links in the top post.
I do sometimes host the map, however my connection only handles about 6 players.
There is one server that i know that has it in rotation, its the =SF= clan server, just look for it on gamespy
The link on the main page for the omaha2 tank map works fine for me.
And dog green was not posted because it was not included in ur first email. It will be up as soon as i get some free time between computer part failures to update.
i have dwnloaded from the link that u put up and link has the right file name however when you download it is another map called tankassault.
not omaha2 Tank Assault.zip
Oh and i did send both files at the same time, i will resend the dog green one- must have fallen off the attachment, oOo: