Need's Someone To Make Skin's Work -
12-18-2002, 06:46 PM
Hey. Ok I have made my skins with Photoshop 7 and everything is good. Now my problem is the .tlk files. I know how to make the pk3 but as much as I try to make the .tlk file's work im hopeless. So I need someone that can do that for me. So what I'm asking is for soemone to make the .tlk files and put all the files into a PK3 for me. Yea I'm a dumbass.
On what player model your skin is based? Go to the pak0 and copy .tik and _fps.tik files and .shader file(s) of that model to e.g. mymods folder. Then just edit those files so that you refer to your pictures etc. Sounds too difficult? Then goto to the guides page and get the skinning guide. There are step to step instructions.