Can someone make me a Sig like the one I have right now but different? With my name on it. I like a "warish" sig with a US soldier that looks "elite" with a machine gun. Just try to make it something like the one I have biggrin:
PS: If you can make a kinda porno sig but nothing thaat would be against the forum rules please(I like blondes) biggrin:
Hey can you try to make another one? Your on the right topic bad ass armoy guy kinda thing biggrin: And if you could make a girly sig-you know what I mean biggrin: biggrin: biggrin:
check back to my last post for the new pic...and i would put some nips in there for you, but i dont want to get banned, and i dont think you wanna get banned thats the best i could do wink: