Oh man are you going to get a mixed bag of varying opinions here. It really is going to come down to the type of maps/weapons you like....But... If you want to check out some good ones, you might check out Mazzic's mazzic's map paks. There are many good ones in those, at least in my opinion. Once you dl them and install them, just go into his server and play the rotation, you will see all of em. Besides those I also like Thunder 2.
Oh man are you going to get a mixed bag of varying opinions here. It really is going to come down to the type of maps/weapons you like....But... If you want to check out some good ones, you might check out Mazzic's mazzic's map paks. There are many good ones in those, at least in my opinion. Once you dl them and install them, just go into his server and play the rotation, you will see all of em. Besides those I also like Thunder 2.
He just wants to add a little more variety to the server(without going to SH=P). I think he might be running 4 or 5 of the stock maps right now, so it gets a little monotnous +)
One comment to make on this, as soon as you put custom maps in expect the amount of people on your server to drop down alot. Unless you got a lot of your own guys who are always on the server or you don't care about having a lot of people on, this is what happens. My recommendation is that you put some of the more popular maps. Check this site and sort the maps by # Downloads.
Custom maps I like:
St. Lo
Push City hall
Operation Market Garden
Arnhem Bridge
Hitlers Farm
Algiers Sand
South France 2
Walk in the Park
Yes I would agree with Aragon. We have tried some great custom maps before and the only sounds we heard were crickets.... You can have a great map but if no one downloads it, it's worthless except to you and your close friends. Unfortunately there are some really good maps that do not get downloaded that much.
Operation market garden (nicely detailed plenty of places to hide & hunt)
Thunder 1 and 2 (its funny because Thunder 1 won the SH contest, sure glad I paid for a bunch of maps I had for free already!)
Small City (again a winner of the SH contest)
bob_Carentan (good looking map but I noticed Frame rates drop severely in sections)
Arnhem (kind of small but fairly nice for 8-10 players)
RouteNord (a beautiful night time Central Europe map)
Backstreets (not the best for detail or layout, I added more fog to mine and made it nicer)
Buzzbomb Raiders ( a big map trying to blend both town fighting and country-side)
Tunisian_FE ( a smaller map good for all weapons)
There are a bunch of maps which were converted from single player missions. Some are pretty nice, its funny because again EA just used those instead of making more new ones. German Winter is a prime example.
Buzzbomb and Tunisian are actually my maps so forgive me for trying to encourage people to play them. There will be a new version of Tunisian Village soon so look for it.