Sick of being booted for cheating -
02-27-2003, 04:25 PM
Like it says, I'm getting sick and tired of being kicked out of servers because of "cheating". It's always the same bs too... "you cheat" .. "how do I cheat?".. "you cheat". That's it.. I guess I just cheat. I suppose the main reason I get booted is because I've been using the Mauser for the past 6 months and I've gotten insanely good at it. Anyway, let me call out 2 clans that booted me for no GOOD reason, just the lame accusation of "cheating". The first clan is -=Assassins=- I don't know if they are a well known clan, but I remember my record was 35-5 in their server and they couldn't figure out the fact that I'm just plain good. The other clan is [506th]. Hurricane is the guy that booted me. My record was only 15-13, but it just so happened that I killed Hurricane a lot. He kicked me without reason, and I kept trying to reconnect and ask him but he kept kicking me. I know its their server and they can do whatever they want, but that's just being a straight up P*ssy. Yeah, thats right. So if you bums are reading this, take my IP address off of your lame block list. Or should I call it "the better player than you list". Anyway this whole bs cheating ordeal that is getting worse every day is totally rediculous.
just for the record.. cheating has never been a problem for me.. My strats do not cater to cheaters. Never have, never will. I've never cried cheater..
I only pretend to have a problem with it so I can talk trash about MPowell because he wont STFU..
Fabrication is what makes you look immature. That and the way you throw a fit like you just did. Good job.
Yup.. I will shutup once you shutup.. Or we can keep on going. It only hurts your feelings and makes me smile. So I have no problem dragging this out longer.
being kicked for no reason? -
02-27-2003, 06:51 PM
M16: Iam in the clan you speak of assasins the correct name is Lethal Assasins our ip is if you where booted for cheating its because you where probably cheating.We run several anticheat programs such as delator which checks for the bright skins wall hacks etc no fog.We also warn you leave remove "your cheats" then rejoin so please dont come on here with bogus info I was kicked and wasnt cheating and by the way we are on the ogl ladder several 2v2 teams and team match are rung is 30
I wasn't auto kicked. I was manually kicked by one of your guys that was totally embarrassed by me. I've never been autokicked on ANY server, and I've never had any cheats detected. It would be a long shot to have a cheat detected WHEN IM NOT CHEATING.