Know any good Classical pieces? -
03-20-2003, 10:36 AM
Well, I've been listening to alot of Classical music lately, mainly Chopin (Nocturne), Wagner (ride of the Valks), Tchaikovsky (1812 Overture, and certain swan lake pieces). I want to build up my rather tiny Classical music collection, any recommendations?
my opinion would be start out with beethoven symphonies, mozart symphonies and bach organ about ultimate bass! i have over 50 cds full of classical music, personally I like eastern european composers and Russian. for more modern music look at stravinsky (rite of spring), (petrushka). Debussy is also a great example of post-romantic french music. also Richard Wagner (romantic era) composed awesome folk pieces. I also recommend Paganini violin pieces....a lot of them are extremely fast paced and very difficult to play. there is much much more...classical music is amazing music
Jeezus, how did I forget Paganini! His compositions are retarded! I knew a guy back home who could play some of that shit on the electric guitar...he blew me away.
yeah man, when he performed his own pieces he used to scare the audience. he'd come out with his head down and slowly lift it up, playing his violin. people actually thought he was influenced by Satan since his talent was so awesome.
Pictures at an Exhibition is one of his pieces that comes to mind
a lot of mussorgsky's works were finished by other composers since Modest was in such bad health and a drunkard, he didn't finish many of his pieces. beside that, they are very artistic also
oh! i forgot Ottorino Resphigi- Pini di Roma (pines of Rome). listen especially to Pines of the Appian Way...the music plays to show a mental image of an army returning home from battle through the Appian way of pine trees with Roman trumpets blaring victory cool:
the good thing about clasical music CDs is if you are starting a collection, the CDs are very cheap, unless of course you get collections from well known orchestras with the highest quality of recording