07-12-2003, 08:17 AM
I was wondering about baddd lagg in the servers... like almost unplayable...your walking around and suddleny you switch to grenade, and in some cases throw it... WHAT causes this?? some people said its from "packets of into sent to the server, purposly to slow it down/lagg it" is that true? others say its from high ping, BUT it happened to me when i was in the server myself with no 1 else... , then when i was in there with a team mate it was laggy n i froze completly ,, n it wouldnt unfreeze i had 2 pull my plug on the pc n restart everything... and another thing.. Who has the BEST!! servers to buy???... and How Much are they??.. IM so tired of this lagg crap.. any info would be appreciated... I will also need help settin that thing up when I buy it,, so if anyone can help on that subject i'd appreciate that 2..=)
thanks for ya time Joe