Server Disconnects while I'm playing -
04-13-2003, 11:25 PM
I start a Mohaa Spearhead Server (non-dedicated) from the multiplayer room. My server disconnects unexpectedly and I'd like to prevent that. I set the Inactive Kick and Inactive Spectate to 999 hoping to prevent ME the server owner/player from being disconnected. I see in the Console where I am kicked for inactivity and then the Disconnect command is issued. Many players may be on and I hate to leave them in that position simply because I left for a while. Thanks for your help.
MoH: Console is for PS2 version of MoH. But i'll try to answer your question. You might have a firewall on you computer or have you tried to up the max ping?
Hum, I am playing on the server so my ping is 0. Maxping is 250. Running Windows XP and cannot answer your firewall question. It may have one that I don't know about.
This "disconnecting" me from my own server happened again tonight. Lost more people who were playing.
I am not running any third-party admin tools like CrowKings Autokick or the like. I am running Spearhead with 2.15 level code.
For those that may be able to help, "riddle me this batman". What would you do to run a non-dedicated MOHAA Spearhead Server?
His problem is that he is trying to run a dedicated server, but he is using the non-dedicated server (the one you access in the multiplayer menu area).
What you need to do, Sam, is go to your MOH:AA folder, and find the mohaa_server.exe file. Run that, rather than using the in-game menu.
Thanks for your advice Noctix. Let me ask you this, if I run the exe you mention can I still play the game on the same PC. Not wealthy enough to have a dedicated server and another PC for me to play on.
This could have been caused because you have sone pprgrams running. There is away to see if your not going to be let in thow. while it says connecting to server press the button on the left of one(console button) and if it says server is for low pings only you have lag! This could be caused by msn, or any programs that are live such as a download or kazaa. I hope i could have been some help to you m8. Hopefully i was. Need anything else just send a topic on here and ill try and answer as fast as i can, or maybe others can help instead! fire1: