idea for a new sniper level a sniper level -
05-27-2003, 12:31 PM
fire2: ed: M16: i was hoping that you could have a level with a church in the middle of the town with a moat around it (the only way in or out is the bridge) then go to each corner of the map and place some sort of contraption for snipering(must be able to see church from all corners) biggrin: place 4 mg42 at the top of the church.
in 1 corner have a house with a ladder going to the roof
in the 2ond place a under ground bunker ( have a trench going from 1 corner to a nother)place 2 flank 88 toward the church and an aa gun on side of the church and make the rest up from there flamethrower:
first of all i was typing fast and yes i am from this god damn fuckin hell of a rock but i didnt say anything about having to start off at the church its only for snipers
make it yourself, im tired of seeing people (esp. noobs) asking a modder to do shit for them. if you have the time to ask for something sobody wont probably do, then you have the time to download mohradient and make it yourself freak:
for fuck sake im probaly the newest person on allied assault so how am i supposed to make a map + i only put it there fore other people to make
and to let u in on a secreat im not a noob u fucking jack ass
WoW it really is a shame to see MohAA start to become like conter strike ... That is one reason i HATE conterstrike is that if you were ever a NOOB which EVERYONE is at sme point they would bite your head off .. People come to these forums for FUN and HELP and hell you guys sound like a bunch of ppl playing a soap-opra {B*A} Grow up and quit trying to act like a hard a**
ANy way on topic go here we have a cople ppl in our clan that map and our looking for ideas on maps one of them might help yu out and if they cant i can guarntee you that they wont bite your head off most of us over there try not to act like little kids
geezsus calm the fuck down. i didnt call anybody a noob. i simply said espcially noobs. I didnt name anybody and i didnt call anybody a noob in specific in this thread. now before you get so damn defensive read other peoples posts before you rant and rave about something you think i said
[quote="{B*A}-Newfie-Sniper":892cf]first of all i was typing fast and yes i am from this god damn fuckin hell of a rock but i didnt say anything about having to start off at the church its only for snipers[/quote:892cf]
do not SCREAM at the GREAT MIGHTIY zoner! HOW DARE U!