These fuckers need to die. I jsut cant beleive this. They need to exploit these students faces to the public and fucking humiliate them. Then some extreme animal rights activist can have a go at them.
Meh, I've heard worse. That guy has some issues to sort out. I really don't know what people are thinking when they do these things. I really don't think any psychiatric treatment is going to help. I place this guy in the same group and racists. They are angry, but at the wrong thing.
As for his punishment, I say we put him in a cage with a video camera..... and an untamed cougar. We'll let something of the feline order choose what's best for him. Having a giant kitten tossing entrails all over the place will straighten him out pretty fucking quickly.
Three grown men choose to do that to a defenceless animal?...damn their fucking eyes,
at least the arrogant bullshit artist has provided the evidence to let his "work" be judged.
....I'd like to cut that cunt myself, these type of crimes are never adequately paid for.
i remember reading a story a few years back about a bunch of fucked up guys having a BBQ when a tinyn kitten came along, they tossed it onto the bbg grill. they all point & laughed but a women saw what was happeneing & rescued it even with the guys trying to stop her. she suffered burns to her hands & the cat eventuly was put down because the burns were so bad. what hole in hell do these people come from?