Wow... work was teh sux0r until now! -
07-10-2003, 03:28 PM
I work in a computer store that receives maybe 3 customers a day (lol): it
sucks ass but coming in to work today, the person I replace for the rest of
the afternoon tells me that the internet connection has a bad password (!)
and that they needed it for their fax soon. This is NEW. We never had the
net so I kept my happiness inside :-)
The moment the worker left, I took my account and connected to the net!
I'm here chatting with you fellas and browsing pr0n... god this is great! No
one's the wiser tihihihihihihi
PS. This is a testament to how much I am bored here!
lol i remember in my old place i found out how to get around the boss' weak restrictions and connected to aol on a black and white monitor. the modem was loud the first time but theres some extra code on the aol setup that can silece the modem, i felt so fucking cool evil:
18$/hr for construction work ? I must admit that your hourly wage is better
than I initially assessed, assuming, of course, that you aren't lying. In any
case, I receive an excellent wage for surfing the web all day.
lol yea.... mostly built fences and stuff like that.... prison work, putting up razor ribbon with the inmates cursing at you and the restriction on wearing ANYTHING green lol