At 03:14 this morning our baby girl Isabelle (no, not named after the Hurricane - Pure and bizarre coinsidence as we chose her name months ago) was born.
She's absolutely beautiful and we're both very happy - I'm now going to get the first sleep in some 2-3 days.
I might not post for a while tho - going to be very busy.
Ydiss 20 some years from now you will look back at this and say WOW, it's 20 years later!
Congrats dude YOU are now the most important person alive to one little bundle of joy.
Just wait till you are the granddad.
**Practicing the dark art of turn signal usage since 1976.**
CONGRATS!! Sleep now, because when you take the job of parenthood you give up the right for a decent night of sleep.
I'm sure she is a beautifil baby, teach her well.