... ty+Tourney
250 + clans have entered so far. ed: my clan -=|MwD|=- is in division 5. just about every moh clan ive ever seen is in this massive tourney. there are many other clans that i havent heard of too...alot from operation flashpoint, to rvs, to ut2k3 and so on, are showing up for this one. if your clan is into cod and you havent heard of this or signed up yet, do so now!
date: starts nov. 18th / ends the 22nd
info: its single elimination > once you lose, your out
rules: its 4v4 seach and destroy
**activision and infinity ward are sponsoring this tournament**
prizes: prizes will be awarded for 1st 2nd and 3rd place
personally, i think this is one of the coolest things my clan will have ever taken part in. and imo, this is how competing in games should be...there should be like 2 or 3 huge tourneys like this a yr. this is what ppl should practice for. i would much rather play in large exciting tournaments like this instead of never ending ladders. rock: