Albert Fish....The real life Hannibal.... -
01-14-2004, 04:05 AM
Fucked up guy. Read the whole article. This guy is fucked up. He totured little boys and ate them. Did some horrendous acts like set fire to cotton in boys' anus and punctured pins near the genitals to himself as well as others.
Location: Reading 'Country Life' magazine in a crack wh0res brothel in Soho, London
01-14-2004, 05:28 PM
What's really scary about this is that it happened pre ww2 in the 'good ol days'. Next time some old git tells you that today's kids have no respect remind them of this topic....
sick bastard, people like this, ya know there isn't a toruture painful enough or brutal enough to server justice for what he did. They made a room in hell just for that guy.