finally downloaded the episode called "the last one" where all the villians get together will Ignot and Err on the moon. I could watch that one 1000X easy.
Best lines:
Major Shake: Hey I found a full can ! Happy Time Harry: I'll Take THAT, Thank You !
Ignot (refering to the "Highway Adopted By" sign); And who named us Click, Click, Click, Click, Click....
(Flash to the Brownie Monsters going spastic, wings making the Click-Click sound)
Ignot (at the podium): And remember, there are no stupid questions. MothMan Monster: Yeah, I got one. Ignot: Yes, the retard in the back with the stupid question ?
Moldy: Excuse me, is this the baby shower ? I made lemon squares. Mothman Monster(reading from invitation): Mine says sweaters all you can eat. Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past From the Future: I was in the future, it was too late to RSVP.
MC McPeePee Pants:I got a plan, see ?! See we take these monsters, right ?! We start a haunted house, yeah ?! Yeah, you feeling me ?! Yeah, we invite everyone to the haunted house and they come thinking it's gonna be all scary and shit but in fact that house is also for saaaale cause it's a condo, get it ? Like in Hilton Head and people gonna pay big ass cash money to live there, right ?! And then we take alllllll that money and by MORE psychadelic mushrooms, you feeling me ?! Ignot: More ?