11-15-2004, 07:22 PM
could you help me with this command tutorial stuff to, on the mohaa tools-getting started tutorial. It tells me to open a command prompt and q3 map like this: Q3map –gamedir <base directory of the game> <name of the map>
On a machine with MOHAA installed to c:/mohaa and the map named tutorial.map placed in the c:/mohaa/map_source directory the command would look like this:
Q3map –gamedir c:/mohaa c:/mohaa/map_source/tutorial
This compiles the BSP for the map
Compiling Vis is much the same way but with a –vis command attached like this:
Q3map –vis –gamedir c:/mohaa c:/mohaa/map_source/tutorial
Compiling Light is done with a separate program called mohlight; mohlight is run much the same, like this:
Mohlight –gamedir c:/mohaa c:/mohaa/map_source/tutorial
Now copy the resulting .bsp (in this case tutorial.bsp, should be in the same place as the .map file) to your mohaa/main/maps folder.
Once the .bsp file is in the maps folder it is ready to run. You’ll have to load MOH in developer mode so that you can use the special developer mode tools. Load moh from the run menu or a command line like this.
mohaa +set developer 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1 +set ui_console 1
Could you explain this to me a little bit more clear, i'm not very good at understanding command lines like this.