Ok ,I dlike to get ebox live, yes i have a high speed connection. But the routing is a problem, I need to route the cord thropugh 3 rooms, and Id like to know if theres an easier way. I heard you can yous a transmitter device but It causes lagg with interuprions in the ransmiting process. If you can help please reply!
just drill a small whole through the floor, run a cord that is long enough into the other room and connect. thats what i did to make it less noticeable.
I have my xbox/tv in my basement and run it from the basement through the floor/celing to my computer (which is on the other side of the house). If you get a long enough cord then you should be fine, but I can't say it'd be easy to run it through the wall...(my basement has those removable pannel things...)
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
12-31-2004, 03:40 PM
Hah, my friend has something like this instead he has a HUGE cord than he runs outta the window of the top floor and inthrow a small hole next to a door and then to his xbox.
well you can use wireless reciever and router, and you wouldnt get any lag as even if you get a poor signal your connection should be fine as like my wireless connection can take upto 11mbs so eh/