Well I've been bored with all the games I can play on my shitty computer, so I've decided to try AA. I downloaded it like when it first came out, got bored and uninstalled.
Could anyone inform me as to the newest version out?
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker http://pressthenyckbutton.blogspot.com/
I play 2.5, Look and play for servers that stream the AASA banlist (global banlist streamed from 1 website) iat the moment it has 15638 bans and increases every day.
2.5 > 2.4 they fixed alot of problems with 2.4 especially the critical errors. If you dont like realistic games, dont download and play this game. I love it because its soo realistic. Its very teamwork independant, so using a voice client is neccessary. The only problem I find with the game is the amount of ghosting. So always look for servers with several admins/clan members on and join their public teamspeak.
I'm doing the training shit now, and was wondering how I get into the sniper school? I got the advanced marksmanship in the range and barely scaved through the mout... also, how do you get into SF?