not only can you control / scroll through / tile the windows on the desktop by using the 'f' keys but you can also use the desktop to trigger expose features ...
positioning the mouse on the top left corner will 'shrink' the open windows allowing you to pick which you want active.
its alot like the taskbar but much more leet ... one thing you can do with it is add aditional features thru html coded "widgets". you can put just about anything on it , mount / dismount cds , attached devices ( usb , ipod , etc ) by dragging onto it ...
its alot like the taskbar but much more leet ... one thing you can do with it is add aditional features thru html coded "widgets". you can put just about anything on it , mount / dismount cds , attached devices ( usb , ipod , etc ) by dragging onto it ...
There's a similar app for Windows call Konfabulator. It's a bit of a system pig on this shitty work PC, but I'm sure it would be fine on a normal gaming rig.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
die nyck ... looking for a browser alternative ... i tried ie for mac but the pages rendered fuked up. firefox is installed but it doesnt get used. althought i think their browser "safari" is based on the mozilla shit.
die nyck ... looking for a browser alternative ... i tried ie for mac but the pages rendered fuked up. firefox is installed but it doesnt get used. althought i think their browser "safari" is based on the mozilla shit.