"Birth of A Clan" - *EDIT* Colored in version -
05-12-2006, 11:19 PM
I drew this on the plane home from Boston this week. I started out trying to draw Peter Parker in the style of Mark Brooks - he drew the Spiderman comic that I had in my briefcase (I had picked it up on Free Comic Book Day). Then I decided to add the flames coming out of the finger - then I added the phoenix to the flame and decided to make it a tribute to Liam and Cyberdoc's new clan - Team Phoenix. I had some time to kill this afternoon so I inked it.
The two posters on the wall are: The original Star Wars poster, and the Farrah Fawcett Majors poster - both popular in my freshman year in college.
BTW - all the straight lines and the posters on the wall are done with a 03 and an 01 technical pen. The flames and the guy are done with a #2 brush and india ink. The drawing was done on a 9x12 sketch pad.