So the other day I am typing on my laptop and all of a ";" key and "'" key decided to pop right off. Me, thinking hmmmm can't be to serious, and tried to pop it back on, but noticed on the key the little white part is broken.
So I remember I have a 3 year warranty on it with best buy. I take it there with the two keys, with receipt waiting in line thinking that it would be a easy fix, replace the white part under the key or just get two new keys. I get up there, the guy decides to try to put them on himself, even though I pointed out to him that the white part is obviously broken and it won't latch on because the part is broken. But I decided to let him try to put it on for 15 minutes.
Then they tell me that they don't have the parts for it to be fixed. And that they need to send it in to their "warehouse" to replace the whole keyboard, and it will take 7-14 I would send it in but I use my laptop everyday and use it work school/work.
So I'm thinking of going out and just buying two keys myself. Anyone know of where I can get some? Or was the Best Buy just telling me that just so he wouldn't have to fix it or replace it and cost that store product?
I highly doubt they carry the keys and keyboards for every model of laptop that they have every sold in the past 3+years just in case. so no i dont think they were bullshitting you
you should have sent it in.
"I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught one. I just *do* things. I'm a wrench in the gears. I *hate* plans." - The Joker
I can still send it in. Prefer not to wait though 2 weeks just to replace two tiny keys. You think they could possibly order the piece and just install them in the store or just give them to me.
Send it in nig and take a close look at the repair receipt. Look at how much it would've cost you if it wasn't under warrantee.
Tip: Make sure you give them a bare laptop. If you have a few of those plastic inserts that go into the flash drive/memory stick slots, remove them. Guarantee they'll lose the fucking things like they did mine.
I've worked in a parts department and repair type place, of diffrent products, and it's impossible to stock every piece for every model of everything. If you bust their balls enough and make a stink, they'll probally light a fire under it and over nite it here, there and get it done faster. If all they have to replace is the keyes, that won't be too expensive for them to overnight it. Usually like 20-30 bucks. Slight chance on that, but ya never know.