Way cool TeamSpeak2 info... -
10-09-2002, 04:02 PM
Beisides my TS2 help forum Rudedog so graciously provided me which you can find here,
with the help of Gryphon from Planet Tribes, RudeDog, and my TS2 host FastAttack, we now have a web based server status page up.
Click this link...
to see my servers status and allso see who is on the server.
This info is about (actually less than) 5 minutes old at any time.
Rudedog allready has a link up on his "aa.com game server" main page and I have this post up in my TeamSpeak2 forum.
This will allow you to see who is on the server at any given time (-about 3 minutes real time).
I am in complete awe of Gryphon and his scripting ability. For an average TS2 user this will show you who is on at any given time.
It allso will let you know if the server is down.
If you dont have TS2 installed or wonder what all the fuss is about then please browse my forums from the first link. It contains step by step tutorials for setting up TS2 as well as a general FAQ about TeamSpeak2.