Originally Posted by MPowell1944
it was to make him shutup. all he does is come around these forums and bitch about little things like this. all i did was tell the guy who started this thread where people would go in the files to make this mod. i didnt say anything on how to set it up.
then remix comes along and bitches at me like that. i have full rights to bitch back. then you come along and ask me why i did that? are you blind?
if someone bitches at me for something that little, of course im gonna bitch back.
you can side with who you want, but i have the right to post information on here if i want. its called, Freedom of Choice/Speech.
boo fucking hoo.
big bad me dun been mean to ya now?
maybe i can get on google dig you up a fucking support association for guys who cant take getting bitchslapped on forums. maybe the GWCTGBOF has a local chapter you can join
Originally Posted by MPowell1944
if you dont like it (this includes you Remix), then why do you even bother posting? why not save your breathe for someone who cares?
if i wanna post hacks/cheats, i will do it. and since i didnt, i see no need for slander. but if you slander me, i will return fire. so just back off!
yes we have confirmation.... you are on very good drugs.
you are actually asking me if i dont like people posting how to get and make cheats on the aa.com forums why bother posting to get it stopped, yes?
you are one dumb fuck.
now firstly..... you still havent edited your post. do you fucken get it that if they remove this mod your instructions on how to make it will still be here indefinitely? use your skull dimwit.
if you dont got a problem with that and wont edit ill ask a mod to edit it for you. if they dont wanna do it cause they ....like yourself.... think youre something special then you can bookmark this thread as why its okay to post cheat instructions in aa.com from here on in. very simple.... ive bookmarked it already.
[quote:cb717]quote - "MPowell1944" - "there is a client-side norecoil mod. i have made it before for my own use. its alittle trick that not even the server can stop."
quote - "MPowell1944" - "i have alot of other ones i could share which are far worse, and your sitting here bitching about this. go get a life fuck face. gamer wannabe."
quote - "MPowell1944" - "you can side with who you want, but i have the right to post information on here if i want."
quote - "MPowell1944" - "if i wanna post hacks/cheats, i will do it. "[/quote:cb717]
damn man that all it took?
i thought id have to use like a whole flame thread to out you as a cheating little fuck.
tell us what are the worse cheats that you made for your own personal use? did you take as much stisfaction from these in that the server could not stop you cheating ?
do tell oh u elite gamer.
Originally Posted by MPowell1944
since i have laid the smackdown on this thread, im just gonna end it by saying whats said is said.
LMAO @ 10min n00b.
bitch you aint never danced till you danced with me
now lets git jiggy widdit oOo: