UK Team Medal of Honor Trials
These are the trials for the UK Team which will be playing in the clanbase nations cup and various other events.
Trials will be held on Saturday 26th October and Sunday 27th October.
from 11am to 6pm each day.
Password for the server will be posted into #uk.moh channel on the day
If you cannot enter the sever because its full please join IRC Quakenet channel #uk.moh an wait for a place to open up.
All players must have broadband or better and have a mic and headset and come from the UK.
All trial players will be required to enter these settings into their newconfig.cfg file in /moh/main directory before they can trial.
setu r_farplane 0
setu r_farplane_nocull 0
setu r_farplane_nofog 0
setu r_lightmap 0
setu r_lockpvs 0
setu r_showSmp 0
setu r_novis 0
setu r_picmip 1
All players will be kicked if they are using any non-standard skins or any other non-standard pak.
All players must be able to make at least 2 of the 3 UK Team pratices if they pass trials which will be held Friday/Sunday and Wed nights at 9pm
Only 12 places will be open and 2 sub places will be picked im sure the competition will be tough.