How about Multiplayer Geneva Convention? -
10-09-2002, 02:22 PM
I know war has no mercy. I know it's dirty. But weel, just listen to what I have to say.
I used to play this game on a 100mbit connection. It was cool, the game was fast. If people with hing pings on 56k modems would enter the map, I would enjoy beating them. Ha ha, lame hi-pinger, bang bang.
Now, 'till december I am playing on a 56k modem. That sucks. Downloding maps takes a lot of time, and in multiplayer I don't reakky stand a chance against all the cable/ADSL or better players. These 56k people pay a lot of money to be online, get yelled at, (auto)kicked for no reason, annoying timeouts: what I'm trying to say is: all you (us) fast connection players... couldn't we cut these people some slack? Just be uncareful once, stand still in an open location when you know a modem player is sniping out there, just, you know, small stuff like that.