10-16-2002, 09:27 PM
I think you and some others have posted some tings on China invading Taiwan. I saw some programs on this and how China believes that Taiwan is still a province of China and it should be under their control. The program also stated that the best time for China to invade is when the rest of the world is pre-occupied with other matters like Iraq. I haven't been studying this or anything, but it seems like it could be a possibility for a new Gulf war of sorts in China. Of course the number of soldiers and Equipment would be much higher; the same basic principle is present. Country X invades Country Y. Rest of world doesn't think that is a proper thing to do, Countries A, B, C, D, E, F and G band together to stop the invasion of Country Y. Maybe something like the Korean War. That might be a better comparison than the Gulf War.
But unless something like that happens where there is an aggressor "Country", I don't think we'll see massive troop deployment or anything like that. I put Country in quotes because the more probable thing I see happening is more special ops stuff that has to do with terrorism, biological weapons etc than Countries invading each other. I think we have come to a point in time where the boundaries are set and there is no more colonialization and there is not Expansionist Imperial Empires. With this all set and a more "civilized" tone to the world, we won't see massive wars.
I doubt Britain or US or Germany are going to invade anyone else. There is such an alliance between the west and no one really to oppose it that the world has somewhat become stable. Unless we see a division between two major countries like the USA and Russia, I think the conflicts will all be geared to terrorism.