I know I asked something like this all ready. I was considering getting the Gf4 4600. But I can get the 4200 for $125. Would I see a difference between my Gf3 Ti200 64mb and a Gf4 4200?? If so, how?? And I know new cards are coming soon too. But they won't be this cheap. Thanks
I dont think it would be worth while to upgrade from a gf3 to an gf4 at this point. When the new cards come out for (x-mas??), I would expect an across the board drop in prices on the gf4s. A gf3 will get you just about everywhere you need to go and you might want better than a 4600 for the newer games like doom3. I would take the $100-200 you plan on spending now and put it towards a ati9700 or the new nvidia cards when a game comes out that needs it.
GF3 Ti200 runs 175/400 for its CPU/Memory clock. The GF4 Ti4200 250/444. So, the improvement isn't THAT great. The Ti4600 on the other hand, runs 300/650, almost double what your GF3 pumps out.
I'd recommend waiting too...but, if you don't want to spend too much cash on a new graphics card...get a ti4600 after the new nvidia cards come out...the prices will have dropped alot...
you can also overclock a ti4400 to pretty much the same speed as a ti4600 without any problems.
if you do have the cash though i'd definitely wait till the new nvidia cards come out and get one of those.
I would also recommend waiting a couple of months. Nvida is releasing there new GF4 killer the NV30 around Christmas. Even if this card is beyond your budget. It should lower the price on other GF4 cards. This way you have yourself a win win situation.
You gotta remember. Even though a G4 Ti4200 can reach the same clock speeds as a G4 Ti4600, it still won't match it in performance. But...... we are only talking maybe 5% difference.
A G3 and a G4 are totally different in architecture. The G4 core is superior to the G3 core.