damn were gonna have to wait another day, check out the link:
Spearhead Demo Saturday [11:56 PM EST (Blue) November 06, 2002] - 1 Comment *
Contradicting their original report the demo for Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead was expected Friday (story), EA sends word the demo of the MoH expansion is now due Saturday, along with a bit more on what it will offer: "The downloadable demo will feature the multiplayer level Malta, a level exclusive to the demo and not included in the full version of the game. Also included will be the Tug-of-War map Druckkammern. The Tug-of-War mode will allow players to compete in team-based combat to seize a set number of control points. The demo will also include four new skins for British, Russian, American and German troops as well as unveiling a new exclusive axis weapon."
this info is from