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Default THE SIMS ONLINE BETA - - 11-19-2002, 02:43 PM

Ok well lemme say that I had a bad-ass time with this thing for the couple of hours I spent playing it. We all know the Sims, we all know its what keeps EA in business. However, for all the hatred that goes towards this game, creating the Sims Online is kind of a neat idea, even if at its heart its just Online-Chatting Taken TO THE EXTREME.

I say this, because basically all you are doing is interacting with a bunch of folks from around the world in artificial environments. Except there is no "rat race" (so far) or need to kill the other person, just a personal sense of accomplishment for being the nbest in the "hood". It's when you get to the REAL stuff (which wont be released till the full game is out) that I'm sure the real good shit starts happening.

My first experience, I went out in my neighborhood and visited the others in my hood (ALPHAVILLE). Much like most MMOG, cities/planets/galaxies/blahblahblah are seperated by servers and one person cant hop from one to another. Not a problem since most cities are DENSELY populated. You just need to find a blinking red dot on the map, highlight it, and invite yourself to the persons abode. What I dont like is there NEEDS to be someone in the hgome for you to even come on the property. It would have been SO MUCH cooler to allow the person to come on the property but not be able to gain access if someone is offline. This way you can check out some of the cooler houses without waiting for the owners to come home. I'm hoping this is something that is fixed cause it would just be nice to be able to browse around.

Another cool feature of that is if someone DOESNT want you on their property they should be able to call the cops and potentially get a restraining order against you (if you keep on coming after warning). There IS a "ban" list preventing someone from entering the premises, but that's pretty technical and doesn't reflect much in the game.

The houses aren't arranged in any particular order, just pick a lot and there you are. Nor are their "commuinities", so theres really no need to invite your neighbors over other than to gain money for doing activities in your home (yea I know - I'm not too sure on this one either). Nor are thier "phones" - yet. There is an email system where you can get messages from home in case you get robbed or the "roomie" needs some lovin. But right now, theres not much you can do other than to screw around with people -

And man did I.

I first physically assaulted one of the propieters of a home. I was told "none of that" when it happened, but who could resist my charms. I next watched as the owner of the house showered, and then took a dook. Hot stuff. I tried to enter her bedroom, but there was a code lock, so I had to suffice with seeing her sleep through the "top-down" view.

After receiving some "attention" from her (she was ALL too willing to get in her go-go cage and dance for me), I left to go work on my house.

After getting bored with that, I went out and found myself a home full of lesbos. Again, some groping, this time though the "man-bitch" of the house tried to assert himself. I slapped him. And was banned from entering the premises. I shot off a nasty little email to the house of Lesbos.

Then I went to sleep, and worked on my house again. Fun stuff.

And that's just two of the HUNDREDS of homes that are available to visit.

And they have yet to impliment any of the "downtown", or "work" areas that will be included with the full release of the game next month. Can you imagine being able to stroll downtown or take your friend out on a date. Create your own gang and harass a group of Sorority girls (no joke there are ALREADY sorotities out there).

I made a suggestion to some of the mIRC-Thugs that we should start our own little "cult" for the next month that the thing is free. That would be interesting.

Anyway, if you have the time and space to dl a gig of info - go for it. Be prepared to patch though since theres a 90 meg patch that needs to be installed after you initially install.

Mazel Tov.
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default 11-19-2002, 02:51 PM

Sounds cool man. Do you have to install the original Sims game for it to work or can you just dl The Sims Online Demo and play it without having The Sims on your comp? It's really no big deal, since I have the game, but I'm too lazy to install it.
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Default 11-19-2002, 03:06 PM

it would be cool. if you could be a murderer, or a gangsta. just raise hell.
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Chronic Diarrhea is Offline
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Default 11-19-2002, 03:08 PM

I would be a porn star. oOo:
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KTOG is Offline
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Default 11-19-2002, 04:12 PM

it would be cool if you had a credit card you didn't mind giving a way
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Default 11-19-2002, 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by ktog3
it would be cool if you had a credit card you didn't mind giving a way
yeah ed, share the card.
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Default 11-19-2002, 04:19 PM

[quote:1a3ce]yeah ed, share the card.[/quote:1a3ce]

The only way I'd even THINK of doing that, is if I registered for all you bastards. There isn't a chance in HELL id give you Soccer Hoolagins my CC #.

I mean I'm not too bright, but I'm not Founding_Law.
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Default 11-19-2002, 04:21 PM

what did dumb ass ed get banned and this his new name. so typical of his kind.
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Default 11-19-2002, 04:59 PM

[quote="The Coalition To Save ED!":de476][quote:de476]yeah ed, share the card.[/quote:de476]

The only way I'd even THINK of doing that, is if I registered for all you bastards. There isn't a chance in HELL id give you Soccer Hoolagins my CC #.

I mean I'm not too bright, but I'm not Founding_Law.[/quote:de476]

Well I never played Soccer, but then Again I have a Credit Card. But I would mind having yours' as well Ed, with Xmas and all coming up.........

[quote:de476]what did dumb ass ed get banned and this his new name. so typical of his kind. [/quote:de476]

His kind as opposed to your kind or what about my kind and of course their mankind. Kinda wierd how many kinds of kind there are.
So come on guy show a little kindess.
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Default 11-19-2002, 05:04 PM

so register for us and i can download it from gheyplanet again oOo: you know imma come gangrape you biatch
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Default 11-19-2002, 06:08 PM

11/17/02, 10:31 PM PST
Posted by: Katie O'Shay@Alphaville

Knowing the importance of making money in the game is very important. KNowing that Skill points in the game are alos very important. I have witnessed a very bad thing. A Properity in Alphaville known as The CIA Headquarters, they refuse to let anyone in who has less than 10 skill points. They have threatend me saying they "they were powerful and knew many people and have me banned from many lots. That they wished me luck in trying to find anyplace to play". I have spoken to many a sim chracter users who also faced this problem in one shape or form. This properity in my personall opnion should be wiped from the server. I am a roommate at a place that allows all to come in and enjoy themselves. This should not be allowed to happen.

Just letting you dear Sim Chracter Users out there know what is a very bad place to go. I wouldn't touch that place with a 20ft pole after I was treated the way I was

Reply #1 of 16

11/18/02, 08:52 AM PST
Posted by: Cara Cipriani@Alphaville Reply

You're giving the CIA Headquarters a bad rap, Katie. They have a very unique and clever concept for their property, one that requires maxed out skill in one of three areas (body, mechanics or logic) for it to be successful for those who enter there.

All you have to do is what you should be doing anyway: build and max out your skills, one at a time. There are several properties that will help you do this through the study groups they emphasize (for example, our property, Seaside Gym, focuses on developing body skills, though we offer study groups in ALLskill areas). Once you have maxed out a skill you'll find life in TSO to be much easier, more profitable and more fun.

Reply #2 of 16

11/18/02, 09:00 AM PST
Posted by: Honey Bunny@Alphaville Reply

Katie, I say, FORGET ABOUT IT! Go to places that are friendly to ALL. If these people want to have their place for maxed out skills, so be it. Dont let it bother you, there are too many other places that are VERY HAPPY to have you visit, what-ever your level of skill or status( read Newbie) is! Have fun, meet people and dont think these people have so much power! There are too many Newbie/skill shy FRIENDLY places to go...>^..^<

Reply #3 of 16

11/18/02, 09:12 AM PST
Posted by: Seattlejo@Blazing Falls Reply

Well i guess its like real life, not everyone can get into the CIA.

I'll have to check this property out tonight.

Reply #4 of 16

11/18/02, 09:39 AM PST
Posted by: Steph S@Interhogan Reply

Katie you are always welcomed at The Heart of Alphaville. Check us out and make yourself at home!

Reply #5 of 16

11/18/02, 02:16 PM PST
Posted by: Zion Train@Alphaville Reply

I couldnt get into the CIA HQ, they thought I was a spy for some reason? A spy FOR WHOM?? why would i want to be a spy? i was just checking the place out and I got kicked!

owell, no sweat off my sack, i could really care less if i cant go on one property.

Reply #6 of 16

11/18/02, 02:26 PM PST
Posted by: Zae Stone@Alphaville Reply

I just stopped by the CIA Headquaters and was really impressed. Yes, they have a requirement to get in, but they do break the mold for homes. They do not try and do everything. Which is a good thing. Focused homes will become more and more popular. There will always be places you can go to do everything.

The goal of CIA is to focus on one thing, and do it the best. I found my time there very pleasant. The homeowner and roomates were very friendly and roleplayed. When you go there, expect to roleplay an agent for hire. Bringing your skills to them, to work for them. I had a great time there and I plan on returning again.

I am sure in the future, you will find places that focus on making pizza , playing maze, and even the new group job objects to come. It is not in good spirit to label a house a bad place because you did not meet the requirements. If you want in that place, focus on what they ask for. Afterall, you are working for them in their home as well as being a guest.

Until then, work on your skills, enjoy other "do everything" homes and have fun playing TSO ! =)

Zae Stone

Reply #7 of 16

11/18/02, 05:38 PM PST
Posted by: KoNDoRiuS@Alphaville Reply

It's been very interesting reading this thread. It was just brought to my attention by one of our top agents.

I could write a very long reply but I will try to keep brief.

First of all, to the original poster, I'm sorry if you were mistreated in any way. I will never stand for anyone at the CIA threatening you or telling you that you will be banned, just because you don't yet qualify to become an agent. That's horrible! If you know who it was, and I'm sure it wasn't a roomate, please let me know. We have trained our staff to encourage you to work on building your skills if you would like to work for us, not to chase you away or act like they are superior.

The CIA has two main purposes, one is to protect the citizens of Alphaville, and the other is to help our Agents earn lots of money.

In order to do, that we have a minimum requirement for experience (skill points). This is important so that we can pay our agents the absolute highest amount of money we can for their hard work.

There are lots of places to enjoy in Alphaville. The CIA is very unique. When you stop by you will notice we have a dress code. Its nice to see a group of 6 agents in black suits sitting around the table. However, in order to ensure maximum payouts for our agents we have some rules to follow.

Our agents routinely earn upto $10,000 per hour of real life playing. Not your average pizza maker salary!

If you would like to make big money and have lots of fun, but are willing to put a little work into it first, please come on by.

Hope to see you soon!

Director of the CIA

Reply #8 of 16

11/19/02, 04:31 AM PST
Posted by: Simmynut@Alphaville Reply

I haven't gone into this property yet, as they make it very clear from their description that it's for maxed-out skilled players only (an objective I'm trying fiercely to achieve), but I have come in contact with the property leader. He is extremely helpful and polite - I have bugged him on a couple of occassions to ask his advice on play-and he is ALWAYS friendly, nice and willing to answer my questions. His goal is NOT to leave people out, but to provide an unusual outlet for the higher skilled players. I totally respect this. If TONS of other properties were doing this, and we, the more average players, were having difficulty finding anyplace to play, then that would be one thing. But for him to come up with this concept on his own, and to provide this one environment for mega money making - it's a good thing that makes sense!

*Hopefully* I'll be able to take advantage of this great property soon! lol!

Reply #9 of 16

11/19/02, 06:38 AM PST
Posted by: Katie O'Shay@Alphaville Reply

I do know that you have to get your skills very high in order to make your life better. I know Greed is a good thing. But when I have a 4 month old that requires like 90% of my time and only get what seems to be 2 maybe 4 hours of play time in a day. If I'm that lucky. It is rather difficult to do.

I'm meerly saying that we are all here to play and have fun. It shouldn't be about the points but about fun and comraderie. Perhaps the CIA Headquarters could create an agent in training area so that people could go there and try to get the higher scores. Then graduate into the CIA. Something that the Real FBI and CIA have. You don't just get a call one day from the FBI saying you've gotten a job nope you've got to train at Quantico, Virgina for a while, then you get the job if you pass.

Reply #10 of 16

11/19/02, 08:14 AM PST
Posted by: Dinah@Alphaville Reply

I think that it is wrong to label CIA a bad place. You cant hold the entire property responsible for one persons actions. The proper thing to do is to tell the owner and if he/she doesn't follow up, report the individual player for conduct. Thats just my thought....

Reply #11 of 16

11/19/02, 08:20 AM PST
Posted by: Sybonia@Alphaville Reply

Well, I visited here again this morning, and my skils aren't high enough to be allowed entry. However I did speak to one of the roommates, and he was quite pleasant, and asked me to return when I had built up to the approporiate skill level. At first I was kind of irked, but hey, it is a free country and this is their gig so I say live and let live. I'll be going back to earn big bucks for our place HOTEL EROTICA to get off the ground....

Reply #12 of 16

11/19/02, 09:34 AM PST
Posted by: Arthur Dent@Jolly Pines Reply

I have to say CIA Headquarters is one of the more unique places I've visited in Alphaville, and the fact that they have some rules only adds to their uniqueness. It's certainly not for everybody, but to me that is a good thing I applaud them for it. Seriously Katie, your criticism is essentially that they are not "like everyone else" and that is exactly their appeal. You probably did them a world of good by your post

Reply #13 of 16

11/19/02, 10:09 AM PST
Posted by: Simmynut@Alphaville Reply

Don't get me wrong from my earlier post, Katie - I totally understand what you're saying about motherhood biting into the time available to play. I am a sahm of 3 young children myself, so playing is DEFINITELY a luxury that I can't afford as often as I'd like to, which is why my skill isn't high. Some people, like you and I are just playing for fun, but there are others out there, like the proprietors of CIA Headquarters, who are playing in "gaming" mode which is acquiring skills, points and simoleons. There are plenty of other places that let us "once-in-a-whilers" come in just for fun, but don't label the CIA as a bad place just because they're approaching it from another angle. I still admire their approach.

Reply #14 of 16

11/19/02, 11:03 AM PST
Posted by: Apache@Alphaville Reply

CIA HQ is not a bad place for I am an agent there. If you need a place to skill up fast come over to my place for some skill sessions. VFA Flight Lounge is the name of my place and we will take you in and train you for the time being.



Reply #15 of 16

11/19/02, 12:31 PM PST
Posted by: Simmynut@Alphaville Reply

VERY cool Apache! I will definitely check your place out. Thanks!

Reply #16 of 16

11/19/02, 01:36 PM PST
Posted by: Rag Man@Alphaville Reply

I visited this morning and I have to say, I LOVE the setup of the home.

You go there for 1 reason, to make money. Sure you can rp an agent, or chat with ppl, but that is usually happening WHILE you make money.

They cater to the max skilled, this is the first place I've seen that does just that and I love it. Its not a place to build skills, its a place to make money.

Why play code in another home with max skills and get stuck with low payout because someone with mid/low skills wants to play. I play code with my friends for low payout when I want company, if I want cash I want to play with high skill ppl.

Like any other "club" that caters to certain people, there will be people who think its wrong and dislike them for doing it.


Tsk Tsk Tsk. Something telle me ALPHAVILLE could use it's own Dis-Informtaion Society working against the interest of The CIA HQ.

And lemme check out the reg process again and see if its secure. Then I'll decide if I wanna hook you guys up seeing as I got all Warezed up with SH and all.
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Default 11-19-2002, 07:15 PM

What the hell?
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Default 11-19-2002, 08:21 PM


What someone did was create a "house" called CIA Headquarters, and basically its just a group of people who have high skills in a certain area. This is important because you take part in house activities, and by completing tasks in the house you get money. You get MORE money if all the people in the group doing the activity have HIGH skills -

Which is why they ONLY want high skilled sims on their property. So - I'm gonna create their Arch-Nemesis.
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Default 11-19-2002, 08:27 PM

Oh boy. I really want this game now. We can form our own Mafia and secretly take down the CIA. We boost our skill points, get accepted, then destroy them from the inside. MWHAHAHAHAH!
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Default 11-19-2002, 08:32 PM

Sounds great. I'll join if I buy the game. biggrin:
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