Battle story n bug.... "My MG42 9mm Carbine" -
12-01-2002, 04:52 AM
"So im cruising along and find an Mg 42..
Feelling a burst of testosterone, I set my self up over looking the crumbled dibris below....Out from the corner comes one of Eisenhower's men.....Hoping to get a better fix on him, I repostion the weapon..
Ahh sucsess!! Add one more to the grave..
Feeling a bit vonerable after my disruption of 60 rounds spent to the other units, (whom are ready to gouge out my eyes and piss on my brain) I pick up Hitler's Zipper and reclocated again.. this time.. there is Trouble...uhoh..
My Machine gun wont mount ..Arrrgg!! I cant even Drop it!! What the Fuck going on!? Cracks of 30-06 and pinging chargers were a half a click away and this fine crafted piece of german tooling is failing me??!..."Scheißen Sie Hund"!!
I then notice im holding the weapon like Schwarzenegger... My eyes lite up for a brief moment before i pulled the trigger hoping a Burst of Hot lead would oooze out of the barrel!!!!!! NEGATIVE... hake:
It looks badass in my hands though.. maybe i can intimidate em!! evil:
Hearing bursts of .45's outta distant Thompson barrels..In a panic , I switch to my P-38..But the 42 sticks with me like butter n bread..I can't get rid of it... I then fire off a shot to test it again and .... POW!
A round goes off with recoil!! Wow wieeeeeeeeeee!! I have converted my Hitler's Zipper to shoot 9mm!!..
loading up and preparing for war with my newly found friend and comrade, I make my way down the blood stained stairs.. lost from a fallen fellow soldat, I make my way out the door.. only to find death, who's face was that of a Rocket from a NoOb.
I lay in the mud with my curage..honor and love of my country... as does my My "MG42 9mm Carbine"
I am KIA".....
With the P-38 under the 42 skin it did give a rather strange feeling of shooting 9mm, which i made no sucsess with, since i only had one try. wink:
I could run with it,, beat ppl with it. (using either the p-38 or G43 ) have recoil and it would turn to the side as a Magazine was insterted into the weapon i was using...oh and not to mention a G43 w/ a bi-Pod
Seems like the Developers MAY of had some "Extra" fun with it?? <Shrug>
And how did i do it?!? I dont remember.. biggrin:
Anyone else find this bug??