i was just playing on a server and i think it was hacked. It looked like people where lagged but they had gunz and where firing them about ever 30 seconds.. i got a picture and ill upload it as soon as i can..
Well that Axis probably picked up the Allied SMG..
And if people are doing funny stuff in the server.. IE: Guns blazing for no reason, can't move, looking streight up or down, ect.. Some people say it's lag, some say it's a bug.. Funny thing though... It tends to get worse when you taunt.. Say "Is that all you got?" and watch how it changes..
Anyways.. Haven't seen that happen for a long time. Which is even stranger since it hasn't "ever been fixed" yet..
Oh.. Yeah.. That's a bug your talking about.. If you see someone standing there like that with weapons blazing. Rest assured they are still somewhere else on the map moving around invisible.. That goes away the next round. Vid_Restart might work for ya though.