well since the best wwII online combat flight sim thread was locked, id like to share my thoughts on this subject. i have posted many times about combat flight sims, as im an avid flight simmer

anyways, the best ever online combat sim is DEFINATELY IL-2 Sturmovik. ive played microsoft combat flight simulator 1,2, and unfortunately 3 which was horrible....ms cfs 2 was really good ...for its time. but folks, i suggest you visit the il-2 site here:
http://www.il2sturmovik.com/index.php they have the site geared up for forgotten battles, which just looks incredible!
also..everyone should totally check out this video here
absolutely awesome in game video put to a classical russian music piece. check that movie out, it is so worth it!
p.s. if the movie link doesnt work try here
http://www.cfspilots.com/ and scroll down underneath the cfs3 banner ... the film is called JG54 705K Video
post your thoughts on it, and the game...i just got done playing IL-2 online..man it is sweet heh