Originally Posted by Tiwaz
Here's the case (some examples):
key; MOHAA recognition; Spearhead recognition
numpad 7; numpad 7; Home
numpad 5; numpad 5; no recognition
numpad 8; numpad 8; arrow up
numpad 6; numpad 6; arrow right
numpad 9; numpad 9; PgUp
Why is this is a problem? I used the numpad in MOHAA as follows: 7=lean left; 8=move forward; 9=lean right; 4=move left; 5=move backward; 6=move right. I used the Insert/Home/PgUp/Delete/End/PgDwn/Keypad Enter/Keypad + for things such as use/jump/duck/drop weapon etc.
yeh exactly what i noticed. I haven't tried to change the keyboard config(anyone can tell me where u do it cry: ) although typing in QWERTY would be tedious. Anyway maybe we could report that to EA and it's could appear in a future patch, i'm sure it's a small thing to do.