Black Hawk Down Single Player Demo -
01-09-2003, 10:06 AM
Well, I downloaded it expecting not much at all, what I did get was an atmosphere, not unlike the movie but gameplay that is a bit on the off side. Running around outside is fine, no worries at all. Get inside a building, gameplay slows to a crawl and it's very hard to control, mouse goes sluggish and its very hard to shoot anything. The graphics are great, sound is very well done too. Reminded me very much of the constant radio chatter in the movie. If you liked the movie and have a decent PC to play it on, GET IT !
I was skeptical at the start, this game is based on a subject still fresh in many peoples minds and hearts. The "Mog" incident only occured roughly 10 years ago, but when is alright (EVER!) to depict war or conflict in a computer game ? My view on such things has changed dramatically over the past year, and the looming idea of myself going to war has changed my point of view. Anyways, great FPS, but dont forget what actually happened there.
Download link is... [url:86a53][/url:86a53]
Anyone else getting fu><0|23d performance ?? Or maybe it's time for me to upgrade ??