*NYC* Spearhead server & community!!!! -
01-07-2003, 11:50 AM
Hey people. Just wanted to drop a line to inform you about our Spearhead server we have running in NY. Along with the server we have a community growing to discuss anything and everything related to MOH, or even anything off topic. You can check it out @ [url:da4b5][/url:da4b5].
We have established a community for those of us on the east coast and like to play often and dont like to be held back by high pings. This is an xgameserver and runs like a charm. After playing, come join the forums and say what you have to say. This is your community.
We are not a clan based server but we do believe in teamwork.... Therefore we have a TeamSPeak server up....for more info join the server.
IP address : : 12203
30 minute gametimes
no one over 100ms ping time can join
anyone that exceeds 175 ping time in game for 2 minutes gets kicked
MOH and SH map rotation
Rockets disabled
For more info check out the site. Hope to see you all soon. Spread the word.