01-11-2003, 11:42 PM
lol.....like above....lol.....well as we see this kid didnt start on the commodore VIC 20 this pc is the first electrical computer besides a calculator this kid has had...
as i started...
zx spectrum 48k (with rubber buttons)
Vic 20 (exellent)
commodore 64k (not 2 bad)
spectrum 128k 3a (includes built in floppy)
spectrum 128k 2a (includes built in tape deck)
amiga 500+
amiga 600 (80mb hd + failure without the numeric pad for flight sims)
amiga 1200 (100mb hd woohoo major space on hd)-(exellent sys take some beating)
then onto the pc days
then also got
playstation 1
playstation 2