why don't you compress the bsp into a pk3 file and put that in the main dir with the other maps?
maybe you put the map in the wrong folder.
when you call a map from the console i think the dm & obj ones have a prefix. dm_ dm- something like that. i don't do that often, i pk3 mine and select from the list.
or are you talking about a map you downloaded?
the're usually zipped, you extract the pk3 and just put it in mohaa/main
that's it. it's now on the list. duh! sorry. heh. not sure what you're talking about. my 1st post was about something you compiled with the editor. which is the case?
If it is the single player one, then just put it in the main folder.
start the game and hit the ~ key for console.
type maplist and find it and double click on it. That should work if it's the sp your talking about.