How to customize weapon names ? -
01-19-2003, 09:16 PM
Here's my problem : i'd like to customize the name of the weapons on my screen, nea the clips ... i tried to modify the "KAR 98 - Snipe"r by "Dangerous KAR 98" in the models\weapons\KAR98sniper.tik file, and while playing, the name was changed, but there wern't any kar, i mean, i couldn't see it, moreover, i got infinite ammo and no reloading (it could be a cheat hake: !!!).
Then, i thought i had to modify another file, and i found ui\hud_ammo_kar98sniper.urc
with this, i can see the clips and the ammo, even if i still have infinite ammo and no reloading. So i think there are other files to modify, i have an idea, maybe those in the models\weapons\kar98sniper folder, but i just can't edit them.
So I'd like to know how to modify those files, or is there another way to modify the name ?
thank for answering biggrin: