After my investigation about the lag on my server , i have notice all LINUX SERVER ARE SICK AND ALWAYS LAG. I tries about 5 other linux server and the lag in cg_lagometer 1 was all the same .
The server was alone on a multi proccescor computer with a 10mbit pipe and the lag was there too . So its not a computer/connection problem but a software problem.
Who did this linux version anyway? Anybody know how to fix that with custom server.cfg or somethings?
From what I know, the Linux port for both MOH:AA and SH are both still BETA. The SH is ALPHA actually. They probably won't fix it over, as it's been almost 8 months since the AA Linux server was introduced. Sorry to say, as much as I craved for Linux MOH:AA, it was a shattered dream, man.
As for fixing it, not even sure where to start, myself.
DONT tell me linux based servers are shite plz, DAMMIT I just spent the last few weeks twisting ppls arms in Jolt to let me have a Linux based OS server so I can run shithead on it :(
The spearhead server is indeed in beta. The guy who does it is aware of the high cpu usage and will be fixing it. As far as the MOHAA using high cpu, None of us that run/used to run a MOHAA server saw any unecessary CPU usage. You can check out the status of the project here: and also post a bug in the bugzilla and the guy will check it out.