02-04-2003, 06:28 PM
[quote:716f4]MoH: AA: MoH:AA and TeamWarfare Written by TotalCarnage 23:00
Over the course of the last few weeks there has been alot of discussion among the MoH staff and with Senior Staff of TeamWarfare. Given that this game is no longer being supported by EA and that cheating is rampant it has been decided that we will be closing the Medal of Honor: Allied Assault ladders. Given that there is no way to police the cheating effectively and virutally every match played ends up in some sort of dispute, I feel this is the only viable solution. The last day of match play for Allied Assault will be February 28th. On this day all the ladders will be locked and any pending matches canceled. With that said, we will continue to proceed with the Medal of Honor: SpearHead ladders and encourage any teams currently playing on the Allied Assault ladders to migrate over. Since SpearHead is still being supported by EA, the MoH Staff feels that it can more effectively support the SpearHead community in its gaming needs.
TotalCarnage Competition Director Medal of Honor Ladders Senior Operations Staff