Heres the deal with this skin, its my great uncle Ernst. A while back I was talking to my grandma about ww2, since she is German, and a whole crap load about my familys emerged. Such as my grandma, was a Hitler youth?! Yeah, I couldnt believe it either, until she went and got her 'Dues' book. I was shocked, then she told me two of my great uncles, Ernst and Odie. Odie died a few years ago, rest his soul, but Ernst is still kicking. Well, she went on to say that they both served in the Wehrmacht! Again, I was shocked and excited to learn this. It was great. Then a year later or so, he came up and visited with his younger brother. It was awesome, even though my grandma and grandpa had to tell me what he was saying...lol...I guess i looked like his grandson or something, haha. Well, she said that he was captured in Russia and sent to a prison. She then went on saying how lucky he is he didnt get killed, because she was telling me the Russians rarely took prisoners. So, theres where my inspiration came from. I hope you like it! biggrin: biggrin: