when you connect to a pandora server you need to use the pandora client.
get it here:
http://www.teamaftermath.com/content/ht ... etit&lid=6
execute the pandora exe. dbl click the pandora icon and fill in the server information. once that is done, you will see 2 buttons. click the one on the right " you will see it go through a pak file check. this will take a few seconds, then it will connect to the server.
here is the FAQ for 1.3 but it also applies to 1.4 version which has not been hacked (or the hack hasnt been released to the public yet oOo: ):
http://www.teamaftermath.com/content/ht ... etit&lid=2
If you have anymore questions, just PM me or use my contact info to get ahold of me. We try and use pandora for every match we play and its the best anti-cheat app out there, combined with instascreens that is.... eek: