spearhead is a good game when it works but instead of makin a new game whay cant they fix spear first i mean gee wizz come on!! seems i have to reinstall every dam week latly just to keep it runnin smooth!! be very careful what mods you add make sure they are for spearhead ((even somthin small like a scope mod)) they are the same game but incompatable!!!!!!! in places!! and they want to add another expansion pack?!! that'll really screw this game up lol-------------o by the way sound fixed after another reinstall good grief----thanks---gen.cod (*88th*) if anyone from ea reads this make a submarine sim theeres a huge following and the only half way decent sub sim out there is sh2 which is full of bugs!!----i would give my left nut for a good(((awesome))sub sim: angel:
spearhead is a good game when it works but instead of makin a new game whay cant they fix spear first i mean gee wizz come on!! seems i have to reinstall every dam week latly just to keep it runnin smooth!! be very careful what mods you add make sure they are for spearhead ((even somthin small like a scope mod)) they are the same game but incompatable!!!!!!! in places!! and they want to add another expansion pack?!! that'll really screw this game up lol-------------o by the way sound fixed after another reinstall good grief----thanks---gen.cod (*88th*) if anyone from ea reads this make a submarine sim theeres a huge following and the only half way decent sub sim out there is sh2 which is full of bugs!!----i would give my left nut for a good(((awesome))sub sim: angel:
Tell us something we don't know. I still check the UK EA site for a patch every day when I get home from work, wether or not it's sopposed to be released with the new expansion.